Women make up a large – and growing – proportion of today’s neuroscientists and psychological scientists. Yet, despite the fact that women earn most of doctoral degrees in psychology, less than half of psychology faculty are women (American Psychological Association, Committee on Women in Psychology, 2017). Given that psychological science has such strong representation of women in early career stages, it is possible that as a field we may be losing more talent or have a “leakier pipeline” as compared to other fields. It is critical to provide research and mentoring opportunities for women in neuroscience and psychological science, and to enable women from underprivileged backgrounds to advance in science, we need to support and create funded research opportunities early on at the undergraduate level. The Women’s Affective Science Institute (WASI) is a one-day workshop for undergraduate women located at the University of Colorado Boulder. The one-day WASI workshop will take place 9:00AM - 5:00PM on Friday April 19th. It will begin with a community breakfast followed by a brief series of didactic lectures on current topics, hands-on experiential learning through in vivo laboratory exercises (including a tour of the fMRI scanner at CINC), and a panel of professors who identify as women from CU Boulder and the University of Denver discussing issues of diversity, inclusion, and academic career trajectories for women in affective science and related careers.
The institute is open to all CU undergraduate students who identify as women with up to 10 competitive fellowship spots to apply for. Priority will be given to underrepresented women applicants including -- e.g., women from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds, first-generation students, etc. The overarching goal is to expose undergraduate women early in their academic studies to transdisciplinary approaches to affective science. We aim to disseminate the workshop and feedback to both college students themselves and university administrators to continue to support and expand opportunities that enhance the potential for success and thriving among women students at CU and beyond.
June Gruber, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado and the Director of the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory. Dr. Gruber received her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and was faculty at Yale University before moving to CU Boulder in 2014. She has authored over 100 articles and chapters that focus on emotion, happiness, and psychological-health in young and middle-aged adults with and without a history of mood difficulties. She is the Interim Editor-in-Chief for Perspectives on Psychological Science. Dr. Gruber teaches courses on emotion, happiness, and abnormal psychology and has a new mentoring column for students and young scientists in Science Magazine. Dr. Gruber is engaged in public outreach on emotion and mental well-being, and has created an online course in Human Emotion available freely through YouTube and has given a public TEDx talk on the “dark side” of happiness. EmaiL june.gruber@colorado.edu
Kateri McRae, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Denver. Dr. McRae received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Arizona in 2007, and conducted post-doctoral research at Stanford University. Dr. McRae’s research experience includes multi-method assessment of emotion and cognition in several content areas. Her early work compared and contrasted the subjective, physiological, and neuroscientific correlates of different emotion regulation strategies. Later work has expanded into examining contextual variation in the use of different emotion regulation strategies, the effect of emotion on social decision-making, and the effects of multiple cognitive processes on emotional outcomes. She has collaborated with psychologists with clinical, social, cognitive and developmental training. She is currently an Associate Editor for Emotion, and her teaching experience has featured graduate courses in affective neuroscience and fMRI methods, as well as innovative undergraduate seminars in emotion regulation, as well as covering interdisciplinary topics such as “Exploring Psychology Through Theater.” In addition, she has regularly lectured for the Institute for Brain Potential, giving continuing education seminars for health professionals that translate psychology and neuroscience research into practical recommendations. Email: kateri.mcrae@du.edu
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Funded in part by the (IMPART) Implementation of Multicultural Perspectives and Approaches in Research and Teaching) Awards Program